3 Photos!

Hello everyone! Today i'm going to talk about two (really three) olds photos of mine. It was hard to choose because i have not too much photos of myself only and the mayor part of the old ones, are in a family old camera. but i did choose two who are my favorites by his context. Photo No. 1: This photo was about my brother and i taking a bite of a burger in our first day in Atlanta, USA! it was in 2017 ages and i was 12-13 years old and the reason i did go there was to a marry of a cousing of mine. It was a really good experience and crazy because it was my first day taking a plane and my brother joked me that the plane will make me dizzy, but no, he did. HAHAHHAA >:) Photo No. 2: Again talking about trains... Sorry HAHAHAHA This photo is almost recent, was taked in 2022 and i was 18 years old, and the story of the photo was a journey through "Taller Lo Ovalle" of the Line 2. Was my first time visiting this places and i were with the community that i'm part of the ...