How i celebrated my September 18th holiday

Hello everyone! Today i'm going to talk about my celebration of the September 18th holiday. wich was also one of the most memorables days for me Where i went : In this holiday i went out of Santiago by my own. I taken by first time the EFE trains to Paine. (yeah i know i said before i taken a train in the patrimony day , but this was my first time taking an a real service of EFE) What i did : I did go to the house of my friend Lucas and my friends of the community that i talked before in this blog (The same guys of the patrimony day ) Who i saw : I saw my group of administration of the community, that are 5 people, counting me. They name are: Agustin, Benjamin, Leonardo, Lucas and me, Gabo. :3 This was an really chill experience. i did things that i never used to, like go out of the city to stay in a really big house, with a lot of rooms. Also i did stay the night there, and drinked a lot. We at the start, did a BBQ with drinks in the middle, terremotos more specially....